

The laser is based on a phenomenon discovered during the past century, and laser technology became real and concrete at the beginning of the 1960s. In less than 50 years, it has become the basis for
博湖县| 鄄城县| 齐齐哈尔市| 万载县| 武汉市| 灵山县| 襄樊市| 永定县| 图木舒克市| 双流县| 云林县| 中西区| 柳河县| 焦作市| 郯城县| 镇康县| 高雄市| 扶风县| 寻甸| 海原县| 横峰县| 皋兰县| 丰都县| 德江县| 北安市| 内乡县| 韩城市| 屯昌县| 台湾省| 江孜县| 海南省| 长泰县| 珲春市| 陈巴尔虎旗| 长春市| 宁陕县| 凤城市| 徐闻县| 常山县| 湘潭县| 汨罗市|