

Seica S.p.A.very proud to be part of this high level event and to meet many interested and attentive users. We would like to congratulate IPP for the success of their event and for their invite to ta
Seica will attend the IPP Technology Days 2022, we are honored to be present once again alongside our partner IPP at this event in the Flying Probe Test Session. As always, these 2 Days will combine
The selected Seica flying probe machine is a testing device which is described as “perfect” for Scanfil’s high mix – low volume production environment. Read More here
S EICA, after a great start of a partnership with Danutek as its representative throughout Slovenia, Serbia and Croatia, got invited to participate to the “ Danutek TECH-DAY 2022 ” in NT Park Nis.
Seica was delighted to partecipate and, most importatly, to have a chance to share and explain its technologies to new people. Seica would like to thank, once again, Danutek for the invitation to the
The calendar of the event might have some changes, because of Covid-19. E-Tech Europe: Bologna, Italy, 12-13 April, Booth C30-D29 SMT: Nuremberg, Germany, 10-12 May, Booth 4A-139 PB Technik Meets Fri
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